Weaving Project 003 - Spiral Houndstooth Cowl
NAME: Spiral Houndstooth Cowl DATES: 4/23/2022 to 1/2/2023 YARNS USED: Harrisville Shetland in Black and Delphinium PATTERN: #59 SOURCE: A Handweaver's Book of 8-Shaft Patterns LENGTH OF WARP: 120" WIDTH OF WARP: 15" SETT (ENDS PER INCH): 8 EPI DIMENSIONS BEFORE WASHING: 14" x 79" DIMENSIONS AFTER WASHING: 12" x 70" % SHRINKAGE: 11% LENGTH OF WASTE WARP: ~16" GOAL OF PROJECT: a balanced fabric 10 1/2" x 68" for a cowl WAS GOAL MET? absolutely! DISCOVERIES: Firstly, I'm super proud of this one. I absolutely hated weaving it, though. I'm used to knitting and I'd compare the process of weaving this to knitting alpaca yarn on metal needles. It can be done, but it feels kind of slimy. While on the loom the pattern wasn't really that visible. It looked like a simple checked pattern. It really only became visible after the fabric was blocked (I guess in weaving terms this is wet finished). I made a sample so I...