When "Warp Speed" is Slower than in the Movies

Since the last project I wove on Rey I warped the loom from front to back, and because I really liked using the raddle to spread out the warp on the table loom I warped in February, I thought I'd try warping Rey from back to front. I finally got all the yarn and measured the warps on April 8th and started to spread out the warp.

I know this looks a lot like yesterday’s post, but bear with me as I dress this loom from back to front for the first time. Part of learning is documenting. :) I’ll give it some good tension tomorrow.

I think the next time I do it this way I need to keep a cross in the back as well as the front. I'm not sure how, but it feels like things are tangled despite the fact that I was really careful when putting the yarn on the back apron rod. The fear of crossing threads made warping the loom take much longer than I think it should have. The entire time I was worried about warps crossing. Then I was also worried that I'd thread the heddles and/or cross warps in the reed. I did end up missing a heddle and needing to go back to fix it.

Project 002 warping issue...

It's confusing to me because I had counted the warps so many times! And I was even more worried that it wouldn't be right.

Eventually, though, I got it sorted, threaded all of the heddles, and sleyed the reed. Suddenly, Rey was all dressed up with nowhere to go and I was weaving!

OMG...folks...I AM FINALLY WEAVING!!! You get 18” of this mildly complicated pattern to forget about the fact that I spammed you with all of these images today!

While weaving the sample I decided that I'm going to want a floating selvedge, but some folks on Redit say that it should be easy enough to add that in after the fact, so I'll give it a go.

This morning I got up at 5:45am for no reason so I wove a bit before work. My shed was so small and was getting so loose that it felt like something was just wrong. Lo! I found that the step block was still in place holding the brake down. That would make the warp pretty loose. I also found that the front beam wasn't fully extended! So I pulled that back and all of a sudden there's this huge shed to work with! And the warp was taut again! So I wove another 3." I need to pick up the pace if I want to start and finish the actual project before MAFA!

Before and After extending the warp beam fully


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